binkw32:этот файл подписан сертификатом Epic Games Inc. который дествителен с 07.01.2006 по 29.01.2009
Вот ,что говорит на это Microsoft
Gears of War (PC) is currently encountering an error at startup. The error given at runtime is:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Gears of War\Binaries\wargame-g4wlive.exe: You cannot run the game with modified executable code. Please reinstall the game.”
Please do not re-install your game in an attempt to resolve this. The issue seems to be caused by an expired certificate and can seemingly/temporarily be worked around by setting your PC clock back to a date prior to 1/28/2009.
We are investigating and will update this thread with more information when we have it.
Thank you for your patience.
Glartwort [Microsoft]
Games for Windows - LIVE
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